Monday, September 26, 2011




中国人爱贪非天生,乃社会体制所致:一党制无监管、言论无 自由、买官卖官、笑贫不笑娼……,故贪腐盛行。大贪几十亿人民币并拥有许多豪宅及情人者已不新鲜,连一个小“官二代”也大有作为:浙江省湖州市前市长黄萌 为官仅数年,就捞取百姓雪花银近三亿元(人民币)。随时间推移,“官三代”也开始粉墨登场。

中国贪污手法已有所改进:系由家属亲朋代理或转 移海外,近年来已有数万贪官及家属带近千亿美元远走高飞,仅纽约地区就成百上千,一下飞机每家(有的仅1人)即用数百万美金购买了带泳池的花园洋房、雇了 会英语的“华人小秘”,在美利坚享起了清福。其实留在中国的赃款更多,官员只要忠于一党专政,在国内还是安全的。因为中国已拥有数万亿美金的外汇储备、一 万多亿美国债券和大量军警保护,保证大小贪官享用百年了。



同样,美国人爱浪费也非天生,也系社会体制造成:多党制本是社会民主、自由之进步。但自“9.11”后党派分歧、斗争日趋严重,延误政府决策、经济危机形成 财富巨大流失;劳资关系混乱致使生产效率下滑,各种“尾巴工程”屡见不鲜,能源浪费司空见惯,欠思改进……青年时我在中国熟悉的“磨洋工”、“吃老本”现 象,想不到老年时在美国有更深的感受。


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Van Overloaded With 66 Children In China Stopped By Police

Police in China's Hebei Province were shocked to find a passenger van packed to the brim with 66 young children.
The Telegraph reports that the group of 4 and 5-year-olds had been crammed into the van normally designed for eight people.
Police stopped the van when they suspected it was overloaded only to find the van's seats had been ripped out, and the nearly 70 children were sitting on wooden benches.
Reports of what happened to the van's driver vary.
According to the BBC, the driver was arrested. The Daily Mail reports the man was only given a series of tickets for the driving infraction.
The children, who were not hurt, were transported home in 12 police vans that came to pick them up from the side of the road.

North Korea in New Funding Drive for 2012

By Kim Yong Hun

The North Korean authorities have reportedly embarked on a drive to push people to contribute funds for ‘the construction of the Strong and Prosperous State.’

According to a source in South Korea who spoke with The Daily NK today, the authorities have dispatched people to places where people tend to gather, around markets or on busy city streets, to give public lectures and extract contributions on the premise that ‘We must advance preparations for the strong and prosperous state for ourselves.’

The source explained, “The North Korean authorities have always compelled contributions from people when they are in financial difficulties; for the construction of Heechon Power Station and 100,000 homes in Pyongyang, for example. Most recently, after holding lectures targeting groups in cities and counties, they have been exploiting people by pushing for contributions.”

Previous examples include this January’s ‘Supporting the Military with Rice’ campaign, whereby those provincial Party secretaries with responsibility for provisions extracted fixed quantities of rice from traders and enterprise cadres and workers within their remit.

In the lectures which are accompanying the campaign, cases from other cities and areas are apparently being compared in an attempt to incite competitive contributing.

The Seoul-based source explained, “In the lecture, they are encouraging people by pointing out that ‘our military struck a blow to the enemy’s island with shells in North Hwanghae Province, so the touched people made strong and prosperous state construction donations.’ In Chongjin, they did not ask how people earned the money, just instructed people to volunteer donations saying 10,000 won is good, 1 million won is also good.”

North Korea: Defector Security Coming Under Scrutiny

By Kim Yong Hun

It came to light yesterday that a North Korean defector has been arrested after the interception of plans to assassinate Park Sang Hak, the head of Fighters for Free North Korea, an organization which sends leaflets carrying anti-Kim regime messages into North Korea by balloon.

The South Korean National Intelligence Service (NIS) is questioning the defector, Ahn, a male in his 40s, who was arrested at a subway station. It is alleged that he possessed poisoned needles, allegedly intended to kill Park, with whom he had attempted to arrange a meeting.

As a result, NIS and the National Police Agency (NPA) have strengthened security for prominent defectors, dispatching full-time guards to protect individuals thought to be at particular risk. Since North Korea has been particularly sensitive about the activity of sending leaflets and has repeatedly threatened to attack the locations and people involved, Lee Min Bok, the director of another such group, 'Campaign for Helping North Korean in a Direct Way', is also among those being protected.

In general, the NPA and intelligence services believe the possibility of attempted terrorist assassinations is low, but cannot rule it out.

Therefore, there are 8 defectors under police guard, including Park and Lee. But security has been strengthened only for Park, at whom the most recent terrorist threat was directed; other defectors’ security is considerably laxer and less formal, which is raising questions about increased risk.

Lee Min Bok said, “The policeman who covers me works hard, but he didn’t know that a stranger once visited my place. There have been several times when I felt unsafe, honestly. I think the police should strengthen security more.”

However, one official connected to the issue told The Daily NK, “We are strengthening security for defectors and leaders of NGOs that criticize the North Korean regime, because the possibility of terrorism always exists. We are working especially rigorously to track down spies who pretend to defect so as to commit terrorist acts ordered by North Korea.”

But he admitted the limits of police powers, saying, “Although we are doing our best for their safety, there is a realistic limit for providing perfect security for them. Strengthening security is related to matters of manpower and budget, so it is more easily said than done.”

Choi Sung Ryong of Family Assembly Abducted to North Korea received 5 years of police protection between 2005 and 2009 after North Korea indicated he could be a target, but the police withdrew his guard because Choi’s face was known to the media, which they said reduced the possibility of terrorism.

However, Choi still receives threatening phone calls, and doesn't actually feel safe.

“I still get phone calls at home that threaten to kill me," he explained. "I can’t conclude that they were ordered by North Korea, but my family as well as I feel threatened whenever I get this kind of phone call.”

Pro-North Deletions Growing Fast

By Kim Tae Hong

The quantity of pro-North Korea or pro-Kim Jong Il comment being discovered and deleted from domestic South Korean websites is 44 times greater now than it was in 2008, according to new figures from South Korea’s National Police Agency (NPA).

Citing statistics obtained from the NPA, GNP lawmaker Park Dae Hae of the Public Administration and Security Committee of the National Assembly revealed today that the NPA requested that the Korea Communications Commission delete such materials on 1793 occasions in 2008, 14,430 in 2009, 80,449 in 2010, and 41,745 in this year to July.

Many of the requested deletions were quotes from the North Korean media simply pasted as-is onto other sites, for example the National Defense Commission’s declaration that it would launch a ‘total war’ in reply to South Korea’s “rash response” to the Cheonan sinking.

However, the NPA have arrested 154 people on suspicion of activities pertaining to pro-North Korea activities on domestic internet sites in the 3 years and 7 months in question; 16 were detained and 138 were not.

Commenting on the statistics, an official connected to the NPA noted, “It is a fair point that statistics could not be kept as rigorously in the past as they are today, but it is also a fact that in the last 2 to 3 years pro-North Korea online activities have been on the rise, because of the Cheonan sinking and Yeonpyeong Island shelling, for example.”

North Korea: Autumnal Corn Wars Breaking Out

By Lee Seok Young

Farmers around Hoiryeong are having their worst fears realized, facing attacks on their crops by groups of soldiers coming to steal from the already limited corn crop.

A source from the North Hamgyung Province city explained the situation yesterday, saying, “Things are not good this year because of natural phenomena and a lack of fertilizer, so there is not much corn as it is; but farmers also can’t sleep at night for fear of raids by soldiers. Around Yuseon Farm, prison guards and border patrol units are fighting over territory and emptying out the place, which has driven young discharged soldiers and their families to stand watch, armed with clubs.”

At this time of year, North Korea’s farmers construct storage facilities to house yields taken in beginning in the middle of last month. The corn is usually distributed to farm workers after it has been dried, so of course the workers are doing all they can to prevent the military from taking their main lifeline.

For their part, the reason why soldiers are engaging in this behavior is mainly that they are being supplied with much smaller rations than they used to get; the General Logistics Bureau, the section of the Ministry of the People’s Armed Forces which is officially responsible for feeding them, has handed down orders abrogating responsibility and telling each individual unit to feed themselves.

“Although they are also hungry right now, it seems like they are already competing to solve their winter food problems,” the source noted.

According to the source, the area suffers particularly because the headquarters of both the No. 5 Battalion of the No. 335 Prison Guard Regiment and a brigade of the Border Guard Regiment are based in the Gyerim area of Hoiryeong, of which Yuseon Farm is also a part. These troops appear to be using Yuseon Farm as a private grain store, coming and going at all times of the day and night.

However, a former officer with the Prison Guard Regiment told The Daily NK, “The guard regiment is a reserve-level force made up of factory laborers who go to receive training in correctional operations for a certain period of time, so for that reason there aren’t many soldiers in active service at any given moment. If you ask me, the ones raiding Yuseon Farm are probably the border guards.”

“When I was still there the prison guards lived well,” the former officer continued. “The laborers used to go to training quite happily and of their own volition because food was plentiful and it was better than being at home. But having heard that they now have to make their own lunchbox to take along to training, it sounds like the food situation has gotten pretty bad.”

The source from Hoiryeong added more, saying, “Apart from a couple of officers involved in smuggling, those who entered the military the day before yesterday were malnourished and couldn’t walk properly. According to one soldier who got caught trying to steal corn by some former soldiers defending their farm, each squad has been ordered by central command to obtain 200kg of corn by the 1st of December.”

“They’re choosing now to strike because it’s easier to steal the corn while it’s laid out to dry outside or in hastily boarded storerooms. Once it has been threshed and warehoused it’s not so easy to get at,” he explained.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Why don't westerners provide for their parents?

We heard a lot about westerners life style, like independant, open mind, fkk everywhere.......but some of things confuse me all the time, everyone coming from their parents, then parent feed kids, raise them to grow up, get education, teaching them everything.

In China, when children turn into an adult and earn living, we always pay back to our parent by part of our salary, for me, I give my Mom almost a half of my salary each month. but I never take that as a money issue, I think it's a kind of grateful mind, your parent born you, raise you, they paid out their time, their kind, their patience, their energy....... so we should appreciate back to them by all we have......

so but why westerners leave home when he 18 years old, some people even never meet their parent again after leaving......... do u hate ur parent to bring u to this world or what? and why don't u appreciate for your parent kindness on raising you, accompany you all the time when u were kid........

it's so strange, I'm wondering.........