Wednesday, September 14, 2011

杨义成 and Nash Laoshi - Nash pleads "MERCY"

By Deananash

Please spread this story. I LOVE China, not with words, but with my actions.  I am pleading for MERCY.

Over the past few days, the story of my student Danny "杨义成" has spread like wildfire over the Chinese internet.  Our story is quite moving, full of hope and one that he and I are both proud to have lived together.

If you haven't read it, you can start here::Yang Yicheng

Unfortunately, the stories have left out quite a bit of information.  In 2008, because of the Beijing Olympics, I was told that I could no longer renew my visa in Hong Kong, that I would have to return "home" to America.   But my home was in China, where I had more than 150 students such as Danny living and studying with me, FOR FREE, for 6+ years.

In fact, I had 17 year old David, a blind boy who I found begging and had brought to my home a couple of months earlier living and learning with me.  Because of his blindness, he had NEVER been to school.  But he is very intelligent and was actually my best student of the more than 150 poor who I had living in one of my two apartments over my 6+ years in China.

Long story short, I had to choose between returning to America to get a new visa, or "maliciously" overstaying my visa thereby NOT abandoning David.  By the way, today David is in a Chinese school for the first time in his life - and thriving.  He's also a contest winner as he has a lovely singing voice. He's the first picture on the page and in the last major paragraph at the bottom: David

I am guilty of overstaying my visa.  For this, I was justly expelled from China.  It's been two very long years and I so want to return and continue my work of helping the poor.  I believe that EVERY child is Ru Zi Ke Jiao.  EVERY child deserves a chance.

I am asking for the Chinese government to extend me some MERCY. 

I am asking for the Chinese government to extend me some MERCY.  

Thank you for spreading my plea.

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