Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Who Own America Really ?

Who is Uncle Sam really?

Believe it or not  ~   Good Old Uncle Sam actually belongs to jolly old England!

North America, thats U.S.A  (Uncle Sam) & Canada, as well as Australia & New Zealand are wholly owned by Anglo-Brotherhood that originally sprung out of British Isles, as far as they are concerned.

Let's look at their history. In the past five centuries, eversince Anglo British sprung out of their original homeland ; [remember, just a couple centuries prior to that, England was one of  the most backward nation in all of Europe mainly due to being an island nation, divided by water from mainland. Then with the advancement & development of sea going vessels later on, she quickly catched up and found themself acquiring more land than they can ever chew on, and overall one hundred times more landmass of their original Britain. Once they have strategically planted their Anglo roots from North America to Australia and in-betweens, by rooting out native people from their land and depleting their population. Then the next step is colonising the whole wide world, over 30 nations altogether [ what is Colonialism? Its basically enslaving the subjects and living off / prospering on their labor, their blood & sweat ] , essentially controlling pretty much the world's economy, for centuries up to this date. Once you are in charge of the world economically, financially & militarily, as in the case of present Anglo Brotherhood Alliance through

U.S. military, Wall Street, and all that land-based resources coming out of looted lands.

{ By the way, do you know that U.S. military, possess enough nuclear arsenal to nuke the whole wide world five hundred times over. Yes, that's it; you read it right, 500 times more than needed to wipe out all the living beings on this planet! And that current war in Afghanistan at a cost of nearly half a billion dollars a day, is all because of this - to secure future generations nuke bomb making materials, extremely  rare minerals only left in the ground of that nation. Remember, Russian were there before.}

Here's about the hidden  reality in Uncle Sam's America ~

In U.S., anyone who come here / are born here become Americans. Are they really ?

Well, sort of ! The real truth is that theres three types of  Americans - American the landlord, American the tenant, and American the native.

-Landlord American are the one who hold the power, and thus own America, they are minority Anglo-American, who make up less than 10% of total U.S population. They are the richest one [they also claim sole ownership of the resources from the land, thus make them super rich].

-Tenant American are the rest majority of American population, who just happen to be born here, live, work, pay taxes and are required to serve in the military [as in world war I & II , helped saved England, Australia & British colonial empire twice!].

Although Non-Anglo Americans majority have economic and political power, domestically and locally; when it comes to national and international level and political & military affair of United States, AngloAmericans have absolute unwavering power, and most of these policies are made in accordance with/ in the interests of fellow Anglo nations such as Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and in lesser extense, South Africa.

The Ugly Truth is that overwhelming majority of Americans do not share / have little in common with many of these agendas carried out by reigning AngloAmerican minority establishment.

-Native American are the one who authentically own the 'land & land-based resources' , but lost everything, as all the tribes were forced to give up abundant wealth of their beloved motherland, the vass and resourceful land. U.S receive a staggering 65% of her massive oil needs domestically,  and that's a $1.5 billion worth of oil daily flowing out of their land, from Oklahoma Texas to Gulf of Mexico and Alaska; yes, thats oil alone] for five centuries and counting, my friend. And yet native people of all tribes in America do not benefit from anything coming out of their lost continent / receive next to nothing, and are instead forced to earn their revenue from setting up casinos and sales of tobacco; two vice businesses that few want to ever associate with.

Thus they remains the poorest American with a tiny 2 million population. [ That's on top of the loss of estimated 5 million native population centuries ago, while Europe herself had less than 15 million then]

Sadly, since they have little or no economic or political power, native tribal people exist, however original they may be but, as somewhat  forgotten American to this day.

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