Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Being single, why not?

By Huang Shuo
You can be sure that males would like to be coupled up, however, sometimes they also seek being single, particularly in our modern era with diversified lifestyles.

Being single, why not?

Ask any single person, and they'll tell you -- being single is awesome. The natural instinct of human beings is to be social, to have other people in our lives that we can share our experiences with. And the ultimate of this is “digging out” a partner we can enjoy our lives with. When you face troubles or experience hardships, half of your heart may be a good listener to release psychological pressure and a helper not leaving you. So many men feel sad and depressed because they're not in a relationship with a girl. They think that if they can only find a girl to date, all their troubles and bad feelings will suddenly disappear and they will be happy. If only they could find that one special girl to be their soulmate -- everything will be okay!
It is true that having a special someone in your life can help increase your sense of fulfillment and happiness. I believe that can occur when you find the right girl for you. But you also need to understand that being with another person brings up a whole different set of problems.
I've been around long enough to see that a lot of people in relationships are completely miserable. They're not happy at all! In fact, it's like they are in prison. Many of them are trapped and they'd give anything to be single. Too many guys are so desperate to find a woman, they'll go with any girl who's even remotely interested in them - it doesn't matter if the girl is good for them or not! They just don't want to be alone.
In fact, the biggest danger of getting into a relationship because you don't like being alone is that you can trap yourself in an unhappy situation because you think it's better than being single. However, being single is actually about having choices. It's about having the freedom to search for the woman that's going to actually make you happy!
Lots of men believe that being single is terrible because they don’t know how to find the right woman for them. They flounder in the dating scene, and they are afraid of getting rejected. So instead, they have to settle for what they can get, as opposed to going after what they truly want.
There can be many advantages to being single if you just stop and think about it.
Being single means you have more freedom. You answer to no one. If you’re single, you don’t have to let anyone know when you decide to go somewhere. It allows for more spontaneity in your life. Being single allows you to be your own person and really just do as you please.
You probably hear people complaining that they never have enough time, all while scribbling their plans for the next three months into their Palm Pilot. These people probably aren’t single. When you’re single, you may have more time for yourself and things that you like to do. You can set your own schedule. Being single may give you more time for hobbies, relaxation, being with friends and family, and so on.
In addition to time, relationships also require money, and a lot of it. Being single gives you full financial freedom. Guys, think of the money you’ll save by not having to pay for overpriced dinners and movies, and buying presents for birthdays or Valentine's Day.
Moreover, being single can give you a deeper awareness of who you really are - not someone as defined by a relationship. During the initial stages of a relationship, you try to make yourself look as good as possible to impress the other person, and often find yourself saying and doing things you normally wouldn’t. Being single allows you to be yourself and develop who you really are.
These are merely some of the advantages to being single. As you progress into becoming a successful single, you will find more and more advantages. Once you move past the “grass is greener on the other side” way of thinking, you will then be ready to make the most of being single.

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