Monday, September 26, 2011




中国人爱贪非天生,乃社会体制所致:一党制无监管、言论无 自由、买官卖官、笑贫不笑娼……,故贪腐盛行。大贪几十亿人民币并拥有许多豪宅及情人者已不新鲜,连一个小“官二代”也大有作为:浙江省湖州市前市长黄萌 为官仅数年,就捞取百姓雪花银近三亿元(人民币)。随时间推移,“官三代”也开始粉墨登场。

中国贪污手法已有所改进:系由家属亲朋代理或转 移海外,近年来已有数万贪官及家属带近千亿美元远走高飞,仅纽约地区就成百上千,一下飞机每家(有的仅1人)即用数百万美金购买了带泳池的花园洋房、雇了 会英语的“华人小秘”,在美利坚享起了清福。其实留在中国的赃款更多,官员只要忠于一党专政,在国内还是安全的。因为中国已拥有数万亿美金的外汇储备、一 万多亿美国债券和大量军警保护,保证大小贪官享用百年了。



同样,美国人爱浪费也非天生,也系社会体制造成:多党制本是社会民主、自由之进步。但自“9.11”后党派分歧、斗争日趋严重,延误政府决策、经济危机形成 财富巨大流失;劳资关系混乱致使生产效率下滑,各种“尾巴工程”屡见不鲜,能源浪费司空见惯,欠思改进……青年时我在中国熟悉的“磨洋工”、“吃老本”现 象,想不到老年时在美国有更深的感受。


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Van Overloaded With 66 Children In China Stopped By Police

Police in China's Hebei Province were shocked to find a passenger van packed to the brim with 66 young children.
The Telegraph reports that the group of 4 and 5-year-olds had been crammed into the van normally designed for eight people.
Police stopped the van when they suspected it was overloaded only to find the van's seats had been ripped out, and the nearly 70 children were sitting on wooden benches.
Reports of what happened to the van's driver vary.
According to the BBC, the driver was arrested. The Daily Mail reports the man was only given a series of tickets for the driving infraction.
The children, who were not hurt, were transported home in 12 police vans that came to pick them up from the side of the road.

North Korea in New Funding Drive for 2012

By Kim Yong Hun

The North Korean authorities have reportedly embarked on a drive to push people to contribute funds for ‘the construction of the Strong and Prosperous State.’

According to a source in South Korea who spoke with The Daily NK today, the authorities have dispatched people to places where people tend to gather, around markets or on busy city streets, to give public lectures and extract contributions on the premise that ‘We must advance preparations for the strong and prosperous state for ourselves.’

The source explained, “The North Korean authorities have always compelled contributions from people when they are in financial difficulties; for the construction of Heechon Power Station and 100,000 homes in Pyongyang, for example. Most recently, after holding lectures targeting groups in cities and counties, they have been exploiting people by pushing for contributions.”

Previous examples include this January’s ‘Supporting the Military with Rice’ campaign, whereby those provincial Party secretaries with responsibility for provisions extracted fixed quantities of rice from traders and enterprise cadres and workers within their remit.

In the lectures which are accompanying the campaign, cases from other cities and areas are apparently being compared in an attempt to incite competitive contributing.

The Seoul-based source explained, “In the lecture, they are encouraging people by pointing out that ‘our military struck a blow to the enemy’s island with shells in North Hwanghae Province, so the touched people made strong and prosperous state construction donations.’ In Chongjin, they did not ask how people earned the money, just instructed people to volunteer donations saying 10,000 won is good, 1 million won is also good.”

North Korea: Defector Security Coming Under Scrutiny

By Kim Yong Hun

It came to light yesterday that a North Korean defector has been arrested after the interception of plans to assassinate Park Sang Hak, the head of Fighters for Free North Korea, an organization which sends leaflets carrying anti-Kim regime messages into North Korea by balloon.

The South Korean National Intelligence Service (NIS) is questioning the defector, Ahn, a male in his 40s, who was arrested at a subway station. It is alleged that he possessed poisoned needles, allegedly intended to kill Park, with whom he had attempted to arrange a meeting.

As a result, NIS and the National Police Agency (NPA) have strengthened security for prominent defectors, dispatching full-time guards to protect individuals thought to be at particular risk. Since North Korea has been particularly sensitive about the activity of sending leaflets and has repeatedly threatened to attack the locations and people involved, Lee Min Bok, the director of another such group, 'Campaign for Helping North Korean in a Direct Way', is also among those being protected.

In general, the NPA and intelligence services believe the possibility of attempted terrorist assassinations is low, but cannot rule it out.

Therefore, there are 8 defectors under police guard, including Park and Lee. But security has been strengthened only for Park, at whom the most recent terrorist threat was directed; other defectors’ security is considerably laxer and less formal, which is raising questions about increased risk.

Lee Min Bok said, “The policeman who covers me works hard, but he didn’t know that a stranger once visited my place. There have been several times when I felt unsafe, honestly. I think the police should strengthen security more.”

However, one official connected to the issue told The Daily NK, “We are strengthening security for defectors and leaders of NGOs that criticize the North Korean regime, because the possibility of terrorism always exists. We are working especially rigorously to track down spies who pretend to defect so as to commit terrorist acts ordered by North Korea.”

But he admitted the limits of police powers, saying, “Although we are doing our best for their safety, there is a realistic limit for providing perfect security for them. Strengthening security is related to matters of manpower and budget, so it is more easily said than done.”

Choi Sung Ryong of Family Assembly Abducted to North Korea received 5 years of police protection between 2005 and 2009 after North Korea indicated he could be a target, but the police withdrew his guard because Choi’s face was known to the media, which they said reduced the possibility of terrorism.

However, Choi still receives threatening phone calls, and doesn't actually feel safe.

“I still get phone calls at home that threaten to kill me," he explained. "I can’t conclude that they were ordered by North Korea, but my family as well as I feel threatened whenever I get this kind of phone call.”

Pro-North Deletions Growing Fast

By Kim Tae Hong

The quantity of pro-North Korea or pro-Kim Jong Il comment being discovered and deleted from domestic South Korean websites is 44 times greater now than it was in 2008, according to new figures from South Korea’s National Police Agency (NPA).

Citing statistics obtained from the NPA, GNP lawmaker Park Dae Hae of the Public Administration and Security Committee of the National Assembly revealed today that the NPA requested that the Korea Communications Commission delete such materials on 1793 occasions in 2008, 14,430 in 2009, 80,449 in 2010, and 41,745 in this year to July.

Many of the requested deletions were quotes from the North Korean media simply pasted as-is onto other sites, for example the National Defense Commission’s declaration that it would launch a ‘total war’ in reply to South Korea’s “rash response” to the Cheonan sinking.

However, the NPA have arrested 154 people on suspicion of activities pertaining to pro-North Korea activities on domestic internet sites in the 3 years and 7 months in question; 16 were detained and 138 were not.

Commenting on the statistics, an official connected to the NPA noted, “It is a fair point that statistics could not be kept as rigorously in the past as they are today, but it is also a fact that in the last 2 to 3 years pro-North Korea online activities have been on the rise, because of the Cheonan sinking and Yeonpyeong Island shelling, for example.”

North Korea: Autumnal Corn Wars Breaking Out

By Lee Seok Young

Farmers around Hoiryeong are having their worst fears realized, facing attacks on their crops by groups of soldiers coming to steal from the already limited corn crop.

A source from the North Hamgyung Province city explained the situation yesterday, saying, “Things are not good this year because of natural phenomena and a lack of fertilizer, so there is not much corn as it is; but farmers also can’t sleep at night for fear of raids by soldiers. Around Yuseon Farm, prison guards and border patrol units are fighting over territory and emptying out the place, which has driven young discharged soldiers and their families to stand watch, armed with clubs.”

At this time of year, North Korea’s farmers construct storage facilities to house yields taken in beginning in the middle of last month. The corn is usually distributed to farm workers after it has been dried, so of course the workers are doing all they can to prevent the military from taking their main lifeline.

For their part, the reason why soldiers are engaging in this behavior is mainly that they are being supplied with much smaller rations than they used to get; the General Logistics Bureau, the section of the Ministry of the People’s Armed Forces which is officially responsible for feeding them, has handed down orders abrogating responsibility and telling each individual unit to feed themselves.

“Although they are also hungry right now, it seems like they are already competing to solve their winter food problems,” the source noted.

According to the source, the area suffers particularly because the headquarters of both the No. 5 Battalion of the No. 335 Prison Guard Regiment and a brigade of the Border Guard Regiment are based in the Gyerim area of Hoiryeong, of which Yuseon Farm is also a part. These troops appear to be using Yuseon Farm as a private grain store, coming and going at all times of the day and night.

However, a former officer with the Prison Guard Regiment told The Daily NK, “The guard regiment is a reserve-level force made up of factory laborers who go to receive training in correctional operations for a certain period of time, so for that reason there aren’t many soldiers in active service at any given moment. If you ask me, the ones raiding Yuseon Farm are probably the border guards.”

“When I was still there the prison guards lived well,” the former officer continued. “The laborers used to go to training quite happily and of their own volition because food was plentiful and it was better than being at home. But having heard that they now have to make their own lunchbox to take along to training, it sounds like the food situation has gotten pretty bad.”

The source from Hoiryeong added more, saying, “Apart from a couple of officers involved in smuggling, those who entered the military the day before yesterday were malnourished and couldn’t walk properly. According to one soldier who got caught trying to steal corn by some former soldiers defending their farm, each squad has been ordered by central command to obtain 200kg of corn by the 1st of December.”

“They’re choosing now to strike because it’s easier to steal the corn while it’s laid out to dry outside or in hastily boarded storerooms. Once it has been threshed and warehoused it’s not so easy to get at,” he explained.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Why don't westerners provide for their parents?

We heard a lot about westerners life style, like independant, open mind, fkk everywhere.......but some of things confuse me all the time, everyone coming from their parents, then parent feed kids, raise them to grow up, get education, teaching them everything.

In China, when children turn into an adult and earn living, we always pay back to our parent by part of our salary, for me, I give my Mom almost a half of my salary each month. but I never take that as a money issue, I think it's a kind of grateful mind, your parent born you, raise you, they paid out their time, their kind, their patience, their energy....... so we should appreciate back to them by all we have......

so but why westerners leave home when he 18 years old, some people even never meet their parent again after leaving......... do u hate ur parent to bring u to this world or what? and why don't u appreciate for your parent kindness on raising you, accompany you all the time when u were kid........

it's so strange, I'm wondering.........

Inflation and aging threaten Asia’s development

In its outlook update report, the Asian Development Bank warns that unfavourable demographic structures can cut growth by 1 per cent a year. In China, the proportion of elderly to working age people could quadruple between now and mid-century. Inflation, with its usual trail of social unrest and violence, looms on the horizon.

Hong Kong – An aging population and rising inflation could hurt Asian growth. If governments do not address these issues, economic recession and social spending could jump, this according to the Asian Development Bank (ADB). In its outlook update report, the bank expects lower growth and rising inflation. For this reason, governments must make structural reforms in the coming years.

Specifically, the ADB cut its growth forecast for developing Asia to 7.5 per cent in 2011, from its earlier projection of 7.8 per cent. Excluding Japan, which is still reeling from the tsunami six months ago, the bank attributed the moderating growth of Asian economies to ongoing worries about the health of the US and European economies.

However, the main factor is the continent’s demography. "Asia's population is aging at a speed unprecedented in human history," said Changyong Rhee, chief economist at ADB. China, for example, is expected to see the proportion of elderly to working age people quadruple between now and 2050, surpassing the United States.

In the last three decades, those countries that had favourable age structures added more than 1 percentage point to average annual per capita gross domestic product growth, the ADB said.

However, China’s one-child policy has undermined that favourable condition, increasing the number of elderly in need of government assistance and cutting the number of revenue generating workers.

Inflation is the other major threat, the report found. In fact, the inflation rate for developing Asia is expected to average 5.8 per cent this year. That is higher than an initial estimate of 5.3 per cent in April.

The world’s economic downturn is the cause, especially the United States’ inability to create jobs and Europe’s persistent failure to tackle its debt crisis.

All these factors have prompted South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines to avoid raising interest rates this month after boosting them earlier this year.

Still, policy makers need to be prepared for greater volatility in capital flows and the persistent threat of rising prices, the ADB said.


WFP Video: Desperate and dying of hunger - Pyongyang

by Joseph Yun Li-sun

The World Food Programme has just released a video revealing the critical food shortage in North Korea. A local sources tells AsiaNews: “This is nothing new for those who work in the field, but to allow such an undertaking Pyongyang must be really desperate ”.  

Seoul– The video, shown yesterday by WFP, “ shows nothing new to those who, sadly, are all too familiar with the situation in North Korea DPRK. But it is a new and most important signal: Pyongyang is now willing to open its borders to food aid, and even to allow international organisations to film and show a video. They must be really desperate”.

AsiaNews was told this by a South Korean source who takes semi regular trips transporting humanitarian aid and medicines over the border into North Korea. The video in question was released yesterday on the WFP web site and can be seen here. The video, filmed in the DPRK by Jonathan Dumont WFP’s Head of TV Communications, reveals the faces of the famine which has hit the regime.

Floods and starvation have plunged the people of North Korea among the world's poorest. The government, for its part, uses any money it manages to make to finance its military and the insane expenses of the ruling oligarchy, headed by Kim Jong-il and his third son and heir, Kim Jong-un. Following episodes of military and nuclear provocation in the last two years, loans to the country from the international community were cut.

Still today, the source told AsiaNews, “only a few local protestant Churches and, occasionally, the local Catholic charity CARITAS South Korea, are given permission by the Seoul government to transport humanitarian aid over the border to N. Korea. Unfortunately that regime has exaggerated, and the South has no desire to appear feeble in the eyes of the West. From the video it is clear that the situation is desperate. We hope and we pray for a change in that Communist leadership: only a change can save the people in the North ”.


Japan, typhoon Talas leaves dozens dead or missing

The government has set up an emergency task force and evacuation order for 460 thousand people. It is the most destructive typhoon since 2004. The provisional toll of about 27 confirmed dead and at least 54 missing. 

Tokyo - At least 27 dead and 54 missing is the preliminary toll from the passage of typhoon "Talas" in south-western Japan, where over 3600 people are still isolated. At dawn, the police and fire departments resumed the search for those still missing, and warned that the situation is serious enough to expect further casualties. Torrential rains brought by "Talas" have caused rivers to overflow as well as flooding, mudslides and landslides, which in turn have destroyed houses, bridges and roads, making rescue operations more difficult.

The first typhoon hit the island of Shikoku and having swept the southern part of Honshu Island now heading north-east over the Sea of Japan, at an average speed of 15 mph with gusts reaching but peaks of more than 100 km per hour. The alert remains in force in 38 of the country’s 43 provinces. "Talas" is the most destructive typhoon to hit Japan since 2004.

The government has created a task force to coordinate the emergency rescue operations. The new government of Yoshihiko Noda, a few days ago has replaced that of Naoto Kan, criticized for its handling of the earthquake and tsunami disaster of last March. The authorities have issued alerts and evacuation orders affecting about 460 thousand inhabitants. The typhoon has destroyed entire villages, while bridges and roads have disappeared under the water. In Nara Prefecture seven people died when a river swept away their home. 


China won’t save the economies of Italy and the world

by Bernardo Cervellera

Many hope that Beijing might buy Italy’s and Europe’s sovereign debt; however, China’s economy has the same problems as that of the rest of the world: overproduction, export dependency, and overreliance on exports and foreign capital—add to that the yuan’s artificial value and an unfree workforce. Instead, China and Europe should heed Benedict XVI’s teachings, namely that man (not profits) and a sense of responsibility must be at the centre of the economy.

Rome – It will be difficult if not impossible for China to save Italy and Europe from its sovereign debt crisis. In recent days, the Financial Times ran a few stories saying that Rome and Beijing had reached a deal for the mainland to buy Italian treasury bills. Many economists and bankers reacted favourably to the news that China was coming to Europe’s rescue. Some predict that China would even save the world.

We cannot share this optimism. Speaking to World Economic Forum in Dalian, China’s premier Wen Jiabao said that his country would lend Europe a “helping hand” but he showed very little enthusiasm about paying for Europe’s debt. What is more, his conditions for help, like granting China ‘full market economy’ status as well as the elimination of tariffs, would be just the sign of another flood of Chinese goods.

Indeed, the numbers do not add up. If Beijing wants to help the European and world economies, it should lift its own tariffs on imported goods.

Looking at figures for 2010, China’s trade surplus with the rest of the world stood at US$ 184.4 billion. If Beijing wants to help the world pull out of this crisis, it must import more and its trade balance should be in negative territory. However, if it did this it would likely increase unemployment, which is already high and a source of headaches for China’s leaders.

It is true that with US$ 3 trillion in foreign exchange reserves, China is investing around the world. Italy and Europe could hope for some crumbs. However, if we look closely at the numbers, we see that if the mainland invested US$ 38 billion abroad in 2009, the rest of the world splurged US$ 106 billion in China (Source: UNCTAD). In short, Beijing takes more than it gives. And this surplus goes to help China to recapitalise its often insolvent banking system.

Placing any hope on China helping the world economy is unrealistic and flawed reasoning. China is in the same situation as the rest of the world, weighted down by overproduction, export dependency, overexposed banks, and compressed consumption. Its success lies on an artificially overvalued yuan and a cheap and unfree workforce.

With a doped economy, Chinese leaders have launched an ambitious infrastructure programme to boost gross domestic product. Contrary to expectations, this did not created any real wealth. More than half of all housing and office space lies vacant because no one can buy them.

China’s economy lacks something else: fantasy and creativity. For centuries, Chinese leaders held their culture within restrictive confines, stifling their people under imperial and then Communist control. Creativity instead needs freedom and human rights, another element that is still missing in today’s China.

China can pull off great shows—the Olympics, Shanghai Expo, Asia Games—but it cannot solve the problems of its people: the chaotic traffic in its megacities, pollution, quality of life and justice for its workers and farmers.

On his flight to Madrid for World Youth Day, Benedict XVI said that “man must be the centre of the economy and the economy cannot be measured according to the maxim of profit but rather according to the common good of all, that it implies responsibility for others and only really functions well if it functions humanly, with respect for others.”

China, but also Europe, has not placed man at the centre of things; their leaders lack a creative sense of responsibility. Both tend to seek solutions by dumping responsibility on the shoulders of some “economic saviour”.

Following deadly jet fighter crash, Taipei presses Washington for new aircraft

Two ageing F-5 fighters F5 crashed into a mountain in the east of Taiwan, and the deaths of the three airforce pilots triggered new demands for a US arms sale. While Taiwan's democratic candidate criticises president Ma and says: “We support peace, but we do want security from China”. For the first time in 10 years the State Department may shirk the US-Taiwan industry conference on defence and security.

Taipei– Taiwan's army aircraft are now no more than "flying coffins", and the United States must sell new fighters to the Island: “This is no longer a question of simply defence. The lives of our military are at risk”. This is the unanimous reaction of society and politics in former Formosa following the deadly fighter crash on 13 September in which all three pilots lost their lives.
On Tuesday two Taiwan 'Air force ' F5 fighters disappeared from radar shortly after take-off from Hualian base in the east of the Island. The two jets were seen by eye witnesses as they crashed in the nearby mountainous area: although the causes of the accident are still to be ascertained, Taiwan officials blame the age of the jets. The bodies of the three pilots were found yesterday.

Luo Shou-he, national army spokesman, confirmed the accident and renewed a call to the US government in Washington to unfreeze the sale of new F16 aircraft: “We are in dire need of replacements ”. Taiwan airforce fleet comprises mainly aircraft built some 35 years ago: China however, which considers the Island no more than a 'rebel province' under its own control, is pushing the US to cancel the arms sale.

Washington, according to the “Taiwan Defence Act”, in theory is obliged to sell Taipei all the arms it needs for defence against mainland China. But economic pressures from Beijing and the coming to power of Ma Yingjeou – a nationalist who has made several openings towards mainland China– had brought the situation to a standstill. However the question is now back in the news, with the US increasingly wary of angering Beijing.

Precisely yesterday came confirmation that for the first time in 10 years, there will be no leading member of the US State department at the up-coming US-Taiwan industry conference on defence and security ties between the two countries. The gathering is to be held in Virginia 18 to 20 September. However the conference will see the attendance of a leading member of the Pentagon.

A new voice in the Taiwan arms sales debate is that of Tsai Ing-wen, Democratic Party candidate set to challenge Ma in presidential elections next January. On a recent visit to Washington, Ms Tsai acknowledged that during this democratic presidency – licensed to Chen Shui-bian, independence champion from the very beginning – relations between the two states have been “difficult” but, she underlined: “We have grown together with our democracy”.

Speaking at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, she added: “Our approach to China will be stable and balanced ”. But immediately criticised the president in office because, while asking the United States to go ahead with the sale of new aircraft to Taiwan,, “she has failed to set aside the promised 3 % of the GNP for the purchase of arms. We support peace but we also want to security”.

America's President Barack Obama is expected to come to a decision on the US - Taiwan F 16 sale before the end of this present month of September.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

US report says Chinese military could destabilise Asia-Pacific by 2020

In its annual report, the US Defence Department says Beijing is modernising its military forces, in particular anti-satellite missiles, building an aircraft carrier, and boosting its cyberwarfare capabilities. This could change the balance of power in the region. Its J-20 stealth fighter aircraft programme is expected to be operational by 2018. Beijing is none too pleased about the report.

Beijing – China’s People’s Liberation Army appears on track to modernise by 2020, a rapid build-up that could potentially destabilise the Asia-Pacific region, a United States Department of Defence report said on Wednesday. In an angry reply, China called the US claim “unfounded suspicion and exaggeration”.

The US Defence report noted that Chinese military growth in the past decade exceeded most US forecasts, especially in strategic areas like aircraft carrier programme, cyber warfare capabilities and anti-satellite missiles.

Some China watchers, including members of the US Congress, note with apprehension that China’s rising defence spending comes at a time when Washington plans defence cuts.

The Pentagon report noted that China’s J-20 stealth fighter aircraft programme would not achieve “effective operational capability” prior to 2018.

China is also building its first domestic air carrier, which would not be operational before at least 2015, if construction began this year.

China’s defence budget this year is 601.1 billion yuan (US$ 91.5 billion), an increase of 12.7 per cent from a year before. However, many experts believe that it is much higher. With an army of 1.25 million men, the report suggests that China’s actual defence spending might top US$ 160 billion.

Beijing’s reaction was swift. A spokesman for China's embassy in Washington said the report was “a reflection of Cold War mentality”.

“It’s normal for China to develop its army and update its weaponry,” a defence Ministry spokesman said.

“We hope the US will take practical steps to work with China for stable and healthy military ties by following the spirit of mutual respect, mutual trust, reciprocity and mutual benefit,” Embassy spokesman Wang Baodong said.

Yet, “The pace and scope of China's sustained military investments have allowed China to pursue capabilities that we believe are potentially-destabilising to regional military balances,” said Michael Schiffer, a deputy assistant secretary of defence.

In fact, China appears to be aiming at becoming a naval power. It has also not given up its claims to Taiwan, which it considers a rebel province.

At least, 1,200 short-range missiles are aimed at the island. In 2010, Beijing suspended all military cooperation with the United States to protest US weapons sale to Taiwan.

Taipei has asked the United States for 66 F-16C/D fighter jets, a request Washington has not yet considered to avoid worsening relations with Beijing.

In addition, China claims sovereignty over a number of archipelagos in the Pacific Ocean, and this year has used violence against fishing boats from Vietnam and the Philippines to keep them away from the islands.

For the Pentagon, despite its progress at becoming a more powerful regional military power, Beijing is not expected to be able to project and sustain large forces in high-intensity combat operations far from China before 2020.

Yet, cyberattacks last year against the US government were apparently traced back to China.


Buddhist monks from South to visit North for a religious rite

Seoul has granted permission on the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of one of the most important relics of Korean Buddhism. The group, composed of 37 persons, includes the head of the Jogye Order.

Seoul - A delegation of South Korean Buddhist monks, including the head of the largest religious order in the country, will visit North Korea to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the Tripitaka, one of the most important Buddhist relics in the peninsula. The Unification Ministry in Seoul has granted permission "for purely religious reasons", for the group to meet a delegation of faithful and visit various temples in the communist run North.

This is the first official visit by a non-humanitarian delegation since May 24, 2010, when Seoul placed a total ban of all forms of cooperation with the North. Pyongyang is considered responsible for the sinking of a Southern navy vessel – an attack that killed 42 Korean sailors - and the bombing of a small island where a civilian was killed.

A representative of the Ministry confirmed the permit: "This is a group of 37 people, including the leader of the Jogye Order. The group will leave on September 3 to visit the Bohyun temple in Mount Mohyang. Here, a ceremony will be celebrated with a delegation of North Korean Buddhists. Permission was given for the anniversary of the Tripitaka, which is part of the spiritual heritage of all Koreans. "

The relic is made up of more than 80 thousand blocks of wood, carved 1000 years ago, containing all Buddhist scriptures. It is currently stored at Haeinsa, a temple which is located in South Korea, but was recorded and found in the northern part of Korea. The Kim regime does not allow any religious worship outside cult of the nation’s leader, but some Buddhists – who many believe "false" – are active in the country.


Wen Jiabao dampens hopes over Europe’s debts

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Dalian, the Chinese premier says his country is willing to help European nations, but wants them to recognise the mainland as a “full market economy” at the WTO. He also tells Europe and the United States to get their house in order.

Dalian – Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao said China can offer “a helping hand” to indebted European nations, but stressed that developed countries must get their act together, cut their deficit and create jobs. In addition, Europe and the United States, which are hoping for Chinese help, should “recognise China’s full market economy status.”

Speaking this morning to the World Economic Forum in Dalian, Wen dampened hopes raised yesterday in the media that China might help European nations, including Italy, by buying their debt.

He politely reminded his audience that “we’ve said countless times that China is willing to give a helping hand, and we'll continue to invest there;” however, Europeans must get their house in order.

As a friend, he suggested the European Union should reciprocate Beijing's help by moving to grant China “market economy” status.

Getting such recognition at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) would help the mainland protect itself against dumping charges.

In December 2001, China joined the WTO as a non-market economy for 15 years following anti-dumping probes.

Thus, Wen Jiabao is calling for China’s market economy status be granted ahead of schedule. In exchange, he guaranteed that his country would have a stable and growing economy.

Recently, the Financial Times reported that Italy had asked China to buy substantial amounts of its debt.

However, Italy’s Economy Minister Tremonti said that recent talks between Rome and Beijing were aimed at attracting Chinese investments in Italian companies, not selling Italian treasury bonds.


Shanghai: hundreds of people held in ‘black jails’ without trial

One prison held some 300 inmates. Some detained petitioners go on hunger strike. About 200 residents of Anting township were arrested and handed back to their district police. Despite its economic success, China is plagued by widespread corruption and “mass protests”, more than 90,000 incidents a year.

Shanghai – Chinese authorities are using ‘black jails’ to hold demonstrators and petitioners, sometimes for months, and usually without formal charges or trial. Often, hotels, mental hospitals and shelters are used for such a purpose. In one case, the building had about 300 prisoners.

Last Saturday, a group of about 20 petitioners were riding a public bus in Beijing when police officers stopped the bus and demanded they show their ID cards. When the petitioners refused, the police officers seized them and sent them to Jiujingzhuang Black Jail.

According to some who were released, they counted about 300 inmates inside the facility.

On Sunday, about 150 of these prisoners were moved to another black jail in Beijing South Train Station, where some decided to go on a hunger strike.

Unlike their Beijing counterparts, some 200 residents in Anting township (Jiading District, Shanghai Municipality) were able to mark some points when they tried for the 35th time to protest against the seizure of their lands.

A number broke through a police blockage and took the underground train to their destination. However, that is how far they got. Police eventually stopped them, throwing them into waiting vans before they were handed over to Jiading police.

It appears that China’s economic success is coming at a heavy price, namely widespread corruption and injustice.

According to official figures, on average more than 90,000 incidents of mass protest are recorded each year, including demonstrations and clashes with police.


Chinese inflation slows, stock market rises

Inflation at 6.2% in August, after 6.5% in July. Prices of pork meat also slow to a steady climb: +45.5% in August after +57% in July. Cautious, but positive reaction on stock market. Expert: Inflation will remain high, structural reforms are needed to avoid middle income families bearing the brunt.

Beijing - Inflation was "only" at 6.2% in August, after 6.5% in July and after months of rising living costs, despite government efforts to contain it. The positive reaction of the Chinese stock market was immediate, driven also by cautious optimism that followed yesterday's speech by U.S. President Barack Obama in the Senate on plans to increase jobs and cut taxes.

For months, Beijing has increased the cost of money (from October, the Central Bank of the People of China has increased the rate of interest five times and the required cash reserves for banks nine times) and allowed a controlled Yuan appreciation to curb inflation, which in July reached a three year record. Measures that contained easy loans, often used for pure speculation, but which have increased the costs of many small and medium-sized businesses, eroding already thin profit margins and leading many to closures.

The figure for August was welcomed but with caution by experts, who consider it "likely" that inflation will remain high in the coming months and almost certainly higher than the target of 4% per annum fixed by the government. In addition, a large amount of money remains in circulation that, with the decline in productive investment, could feed into speculative bubbles.

Xianan Dong, an economist at Peking First Advisory, explains that the easing in inflation is also a consequence of the slowdown in foreign demand for Chinese products, but the anti inflationary measures in place must be maintained, and "in the medium term," structural change like "tax reforms" must be introduced.

Now we wait to see the trend of food prices, which are the most important cost for hundreds of millions of families and which have often unexpectedly increased: in August, food prices rose by 13.4%, compared to 3% of non-food products. The price of pork, which is essential for families, increased by 45.5%, although the growth was 57% in July and June. Analysts fear that the price of pork and other foods that are the basis of Chinese cuisine will continue to grow throughout 2011. Many fear that the cost of the crisis is being paid primarily by the middle class: the bank gives an interest of 3.5%, well below the increase in the cost of living, pushing the small and medium investors to seek refuge in other goods.

However, the data of August brought an immediate cautious optimism to the stock market. At the midday break, the Hong Kong stock exchange had risen by 0.2% and 0.1% in Shanghai, minimum but significant data after the repeated losses of recent weeks and despite signs of crisis that continue to arrive from 'Europe, where yesterday European Central Bank president, Jean-Claude Trichet, warned that "the worst crisis since World War II" is underway and that "uncertainty is very high" in the eurozone and there are "prevailing risks " for growth, estimated at between 1.4 and 1.8% and inflation above 2%.

The good news was also fuelled by Obama's speech to the U.S. Congress yesterday, in which he has announced a package of measures to the tune of 447 billion dollars to boost employment, cut taxes and reduce the public debt. Now experts are waiting to studying the proposals and the reaction of the Parliament.


Seoul buys high-precision missiles to challenge Pyongyang

After the military provocations of the last two years, the government of the South has decided to buy (from Israel) a high-precision missile battery. It wants to deploy them on the border with the North. One analyst: "It will never arrive at war. China has lost the will to fight for Pyongyang. " 

Seoul - South Korea is ready to buy, a battery consists of 50 high-precision missiles from Israel, capable of defending the islands from an attack by the North Korean regime. These will be deployed on two islands under the control of Seoul at the border with North Korea: using GPS technology, they are capable of stopping heavy artillery.

Seoul seems to have decided to get tough, at least from a military standpoint, against a Pyongyang which - over the past two years - have twice attacked Southern targets, first the Cheonan was sunk killing 46 sailors and second, the island of Yeonpyeong, was bombed in November, leaving 2 civilians and 2 soldiers dead.

Public opinion in the South has strongly criticized the government’s weak response to the provocations of the North, which focuses on military might to maintain the Kim dynasty in power. The purchase of the missiles signals the will of the South to return fire if attacked.

However, Professor Andrei Lankov - Professor of Korean Studies at the University of Seoul – says "the issue is almost entirely in the hands of China. Pyongyang, left alone, has no means to face a serious conflict. Certainly it has the weapons, and of course the atomic bomb, but it knows that might end up hurting itself or the Chinese giant and is afraid. Beijing, for its part, will not fight for a regime that it does not need any more. "

According to the academic, "China has made the path that North Korea must follow very clear: partial market liberalization and opening to foreign capital, along the lines of the openings of Deng Xiaoping. But Kim fears that, following this road, he will be undermined and prefers alternating military provocations and signs of openness. Until a few years ago, Beijing approved this strategy but now no longer has the desire, or money, to go to war for them. " 


The “opportunities” and risks of Beijing’s purchase of Italian debt

Two economists talk about a report in the Financial Times to that effect. “It’s nothing new. China has been looking at our market for some times,” says one. “It is a warning to the UCB. If it buys our debt, someone else will be the big player,” says d’Orlando.

Rome – China’s purchase of Italian public debt “is nothing new. It should not cause any alarm. Beijing has been buying Italian bonds for quite some time,” an Italian economist told AsiaNews. “Of course, if it should turn out that it holds 4 per cent of Italian debt that would be news, good news that is,” he added. The economist entertains cordial relations with Beijing and Chinese businessmen.

According to the Financial Times, China holds about 4 per cent of Italy’s € 1.9 trillion debt (US$ 2.6 trillion). Citing Italian sources, the newspaper said that the recent visit by “Lou Jiwei, chairman of China Investment Corp, one of the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds” was a sign of China’s interest in Italian bonds.

In his visit to Italy (which follows a visit to Beijing by the head of Italy’s treasury, Vittorio Grilli), Lou held talks with Italian Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti and representatives of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (Deposit and Loans Bank), during which Tremonti negotiated the mass purchase of Italy’s public debt even though he expressed reluctance for what he once described as “reverse colonisation”.

“To talk about colonisation in today’s world and with the existing international financial system is absurd,” an economist told AsiaNews. “Tremonti knows it and perhaps sought a valid alternative to the usual buyers. The collapse of the eurozone or the default of some European nations would be hard blow to Beijing. An ‘international governance’ espoused by some governments would be even worse. This is why the purchase is going ahead.”

According to Maurizio d’Orlando, an economist and economic commentator for AsiaNews, “this is not surprising. What the Italian government wants is simple but misconceived. By leaking the information, Italy has for all intents and purposes let the European Central Bank know that it wants Europe to buy Italian public debt. If the ECB does, Italy then would have more buyers lined up; in this case, China.”

Beijing “is trying to do with Europe what it has done with the United States,” d’Orlando explained. “Since it cannot move away from an export-driven economy, and continues to hold the yuan below its real value, it must prop up export markets for its own goods. So far, the Old Continent has defended itself with import rules and non-tariff barriers, like quality requirement on imported goods”.

“What China is doing is something else,” d’Orlando noted. “It wants to turn the euro into an international reserve currency to counter the dollar. However, this is a dangerous policy, for Europe as well. It could increase the EU’s trade deficit with China, which until recently, was not very big. This can be inferred from the fact that the Chinese exchange rate is lower than the rate that the one based on the purchasing power parity, which is to the advantage of Chinese exporters.”


What's the buzz

A bone marrow donor refused to proceed with his donation after a machine stopped working during the operation. Data show that around 20 percent of bone marrow donors in China break their promise.

China Daily mobile news readers share their views with us:

I think it is a very irresponsible practice because we should try our best to help others when it is within our power. To take back the hope of life we have already given others is crueler than refusing to offer it in the first place.

Ye'an, Xuzhou, Jiangsu province


It is not hard to imagine that volunteers' willingness to donate their bone marrow must involve a loving heart and concern for their own safety. If the medical equipment breaks down it does not affect their loving heart, but it does affect their safety concerns, and even desire to save others.

Elane.W, Wuhu, Anhui province


That the donor decided not to proceed is due to a lack of understanding of the whole process and the hospital's failure to inform the volunteer properly before signing the contract. The donor is not the one to blame. If all the preparation is done properly before hand, such as viewing a video of the procedure, I believe that many of the donors would realize they do not want to go through with the operation and choose not to register.

Angel, Wenzhou, Zhejiang province


Personally I think a bone marrow donor "running away from an operation" harms not only the patient, but also our trust in others. In my opinion, the solutions to the problem include, first, paying donors, as it is very likely that more donors would be willing to come forward; second, where possible a back-up donor should be found to act as a double insurance.

Li Keke, Nanchang, Jiangxi province


Why do almost 20 percent of bone marrow donors decide to change their mind at the last moment? First, they lack a realistic understanding of bone marrow donations and the relationship between themselves and the patient. I think such donors are irresponsible both to themselves and the patient. Donors should sign an agreement, which includes the clear-cut responsibilities, benefits and interests of the donor, patient and hospital. The malfunction of medical appliances has a detrimental effect on donors, therefore hospitals must be responsible for the operation and make proper preparations.

Nora, Nanjing, Jiangsu province


As a doctor, I feel sorry for this occurrence. We cannot overly blame donors, because, in my opinion, everyone will hesitate before agreeing to such an operation, especially given the current medical environment. Therefore, instead of excessive criticism, the media should offer more charitable publicity to bone marrow donors. This would gradually eliminate people's anxiety, and instill more trust in hospitals and foster more love and care for others.

Yuan Huinan, Xinxiang, Henan province

North Korea - WFP Video Reveals Current Hardships

By Park Seong Guk

On Monday, the World Food Programme released a new video, ‘The Face of Hunger in DPR Korea’, showing the struggles of the North Korean people hit hardest by bad weather and food shortages during 2011.

The video reveals the limitations of orphanages even in Pyongan Provinces, the agricultural heartland of North Korea, the lack of raw materials at a plant to produce high-nutrition biscuits, and notes official estimates that 60% of the rice crop in Jagang Province has been lost.

▲ Damaged homes, lost roads and destroyed crops characterize the video (video capture, ©WFP)

Watch the video here

Pyongyang Seeing Tighter Inspections

By Lee Seok Young

With the border area enveloped in ‘Storm Trooper Unit’ inspections, operations against South Korean goods have been stepped up in distant Pyongyang, according to a man from the city who talked to the Daily NK in Dandong, China on Tuesday.

“Inspections by ‘Group 109’, which has been around for a while, have gradually become more intense,” the man, Kim, explained. “Worst of all, they are showing up in the middle of the night without warning to search for CDs, DVDs and recorders, and if there are any materials such as pornography or South Korean merchandise, then the offender is taken away. There are no exceptions.”

“In the past when the National Security Agency or People’s Safety Ministry came to inspect, people would pay them to let it slide, but nowadays the authorities send an agent from both of those agencies and the Defense Security Command as a team, which makes it hard to get out of it if you get caught,” he added.

A Daily NK source from Pyongyang confirmed the story, saying that as recently as July one could escape Group 109 punishment for watching South Korean or American DVDs with a bribe of $100 in central Pyongyang, or less in the surrounding areas.

Group 109 is an organization set up by the Chosun Workers’ Party to crack down on illegal media including CDs and DVDs. The group is one of a number of ‘Gruppas’, as they are locally known, currently operating in the capital, with others including Group 622, which handles juvenile delinquency, and Group 27, actually a branch of the Defense Security Command, which deals with mobile phone usage.

The various groups have been conducting their assorted inspections to weed out myriad ‘anti-socialist’ behavior for some time, but bribery has always provided an escape route, albeit while those without money or connections were made an example of. However in recent times, allegedly since successor Kim Jong Eun ordered more intense inspections and punishments, the ‘Gruppas’ have had to take their tasks more seriously.

The volume of South Korean goods trading in the market has contracted due to the recent crackdowns, but their popularity is undiminished; evasion of inspections is apparently being achieved via house calls to trusted clients. Kim says that the preference is only getting stronger for South Korean goods amongst cadres, a group which has always been safe from inspections.

“The traders go around the city knocking on people’s doors, quietly asking whether the residents would like to buy some South Korean merchandise. For this reason the nickname ‘knock-knocker’ is sometimes used to refer to them,” Kim explained.

North Korea Successor Looks Set for Own Escort

By Lee Seok Young

According to information received on the 25th, members of a new escort unit likely to be for the protection of Kim Jong Eun are being chosen during this year’s conscription process.

A Yangkang Province source revealed the news yesterday, saying, “They have been in the process of selecting conscripts for Escort Command since April. In contrast with other years, it is said that guards for Kim Jong Eun are being selected.”

“The deputy director of the Central Party Guidance Department as well as Escort Command officers and provincial Party cadres have all visited the Military Mobilization Department and shown an interest,” the source went on. “Ultimately, eleven people made the grade.”

According to the source, those who passed were allegedly told, “The place to which you will be deployed is ‘a newly organized escort unit, but we cannot say what the unit name is.” They were supposed to move out on the 23rd, he added, but at the time of writing remained on standby.

According to a source from across in Hoiryeong, North Hamkyung Province, just one person from there was chosen for the new unit.

“23 people were selected from our military in the first round and sent to the Military Mobilization Department; however, all bar one came back having failed,” the source revealed. “According to them, those who passed were not given uniforms and are currently living together in an inn.”

Even the physical requirements for admission have gotten stricter, a military source added, saying, “Previous new members of Escort Command had to be more than 168cm tall, however this time they must be 170cm or taller. The son of the Provincial Party administrative head was picked in the first round, but he was too short so in the end even he did not pass.”

“The lead officer told the cadres from the Military Mobilization Department, ‘It’s a slightly different unit from the Escort Command, and since these are the first to comprise the newly created unit, please look after them well until they leave,’” the military source added, continuing, “While to the eleven new conscripts, he emphasized, ‘Until you leave for the base or arrive there, do not ask or try to find out anything.”

In April every year, upper middle school graduates are given physical examinations and as a result find out whether or not they can enter the military. However, those hoping to make it into Escort Command start earlier, in November of the previous year, with stricter tests of health, personality, family background and appearance. Those who pass the first round are sent to work in the provincial Party, hopefully until they enter the military in August.

However, they undertake further tests on a monthly basis, and anybody who either falls short of the mark in a test or has a problem in the process of their education will fail. Final selections are then overseen by the Guidance Department of the Central Committee of the Chosun Workers’ Party.

Lee Yeong Guk, author of the book ‘I Was Kim Jong Il’s Bodyguard’, wrote that getting into Kim Jong Il’s personal guard was “harder than passing through the eye of a needle,” a fact borne out by the news that just eleven among all the new conscripts in Yangkang Province, and just one in North Hamkyung Province, were successful.

Based on the somewhat unclear phrase, “newly organized escort unit”, it appears likely that the new unit is intended to be for the protection of the successor, Kim Jong Eun. History also gives credence to this view; Kim Jong Il’s first personal guard unit was chosen back in 1977 while his succession was still in the relatively early stages, and was thereafter merged with Kim Il Sung’s own unit into Escort Command.

9 North Koreans Drift to Japan

By Kim Tae Hong

The Japanese government is investigating the option of transferring 9 North Koreans picked up yesterday off the country’s west coast to South Korea.

According to reports, the 9 individuals were picked up from a fishing boat drifting in the sea off Ishikawa Prefecture on the west coast of the main Japanese island of Honshu.

The 9 have apparently been designated as defectors in accordance with their wishes, and the Japanese government has embarked on an investigation into complying with their expressed desire to be sent on to South Korea.

Speaking about the issue yesterday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura told reporters, “We will respond properly with reference to past examples.”

Although cases such as this are rare thanks to the distances involved, in June, 2007 Japan did transfer to South Korea a family of 4 castaway defectors picked up near the port city of Fukaura, further north in Aomori Prefecture. Therefore, if investigation of the 9 reveals nothing untoward, it is likely that they will arrive in South Korea in the near future.

杨义成 and Nash Laoshi - Nash pleads "MERCY"

By Deananash

Please spread this story. I LOVE China, not with words, but with my actions.  I am pleading for MERCY.

Over the past few days, the story of my student Danny "杨义成" has spread like wildfire over the Chinese internet.  Our story is quite moving, full of hope and one that he and I are both proud to have lived together.

If you haven't read it, you can start here::Yang Yicheng

Unfortunately, the stories have left out quite a bit of information.  In 2008, because of the Beijing Olympics, I was told that I could no longer renew my visa in Hong Kong, that I would have to return "home" to America.   But my home was in China, where I had more than 150 students such as Danny living and studying with me, FOR FREE, for 6+ years.

In fact, I had 17 year old David, a blind boy who I found begging and had brought to my home a couple of months earlier living and learning with me.  Because of his blindness, he had NEVER been to school.  But he is very intelligent and was actually my best student of the more than 150 poor who I had living in one of my two apartments over my 6+ years in China.

Long story short, I had to choose between returning to America to get a new visa, or "maliciously" overstaying my visa thereby NOT abandoning David.  By the way, today David is in a Chinese school for the first time in his life - and thriving.  He's also a contest winner as he has a lovely singing voice. He's the first picture on the page and in the last major paragraph at the bottom: David

I am guilty of overstaying my visa.  For this, I was justly expelled from China.  It's been two very long years and I so want to return and continue my work of helping the poor.  I believe that EVERY child is Ru Zi Ke Jiao.  EVERY child deserves a chance.

I am asking for the Chinese government to extend me some MERCY. 

I am asking for the Chinese government to extend me some MERCY.  

Thank you for spreading my plea.

Knowledge no longer changes fate?

By Huang Shuo

"Knowledge can change fate," a well-known notion, has stimulated numerous children in rural areas of China, particularly remote places, to learn and fundamentally improve their livelihood and their families. Studying has been their hope, even a life-saving straw for the future. In old times, Chinese people regarded the process of changing destiny through learning and national exams as "Carps jump over dragon door." However, this jump of changing fate is more and more strenuous and tough for rural students at present.

"It is bound to be hard for youngsters from poor families in rural areas to become elites of society in China," a teacher recently said at an online forum, which sparked a new round of discussion and debate on the uneven distribution of social resources.

The proportion of rural students at leading universities in China has increasingly fallen since the 1990s. The ratio at Peking University jumped down to around 10 percent from the previous 30 percent. According to a sample survey of students at Tsinghua University in Beijing enrolled in 2010, students from the countryside accounted for 17 percent of the total. And in 2010, China's rural students took up 62 percent of the overall students joining the National College Entrance Examination (or Gaokao).

Educational experts and mass media concentrated on the decline of the acceptance rate of rural students in the Gaokao and analyzed the reasons. The unfair distribution of educational resources in urban and rural areas is undoubtedly the main culprit. When urban children are enjoying kindergarten, preschool education for many children in the countryside is still a blank, which means that Chinese rural children fall behind at the initial phase of their lives.

Urban education has gathered most advanced educational resources and urban students can choose a better school with the advantages of preferential enrollment policy like independent recruitment and bonus points, which further enlarge the educational gap between urban and rural areas in China.

The key part of solving the problem is to promote the integration of rural and urban education and improve the equality in allocating educational resources across the country. The essence of the integration of rural and urban education has determined the boundary of the relative institutional reform. The institutional reform about the integration of rural and urban education mainly focuses on basic education, vocational education and continuing education, among which basic education is the key, and compulsory education is the priority. The reform of education institution that promoted the integration of rural and urban education includes the institutions of student cultivation, educational quality evaluation, educational personnel, educational investment, school enrollment, and school management. The objective of the integration of rural and urban education is the equity of rural and urban education. The equity of rural and urban education includes the equity of quality, difference and compensation. The different educational equity has put forward different requirement to relative educational institution reform.

As for the distribution of educational resources, the authority should firstly allocate more public spending to rural education, and allow students to take their college entrance examinations in other places in order to universalize good education resources and let rural students migrate with their parents to urban areas to receive better education directly and conveniently. In addition, private or foreign capital can play a helping role for the government in joining the rural education programs organized by educational institutions or organizations, such as Project Hope.

Equality in a society is not only relative fairness in wealth distribution, but also equality in opportunities of altering fate for every member of society. The fairness in education sector plays a major part in realizing the equality of the starting point of lives and social equality and justice. The notion of "knowledge can change fate" can become true and the movement among different social layers can be possibly smooth so as to stabilize the current social structure of the country only if everyone enjoys fair educational opportunities in society.

On the contrary, the Matthew Effect, the phenomenon in sociology where "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer," caused by educational inequality, will set barriers on the way to higher level development for young grass-roots even accelerate the status crystallization to threaten social harmony and stability.
It is undeniable that all levels of government in China are twisting and narrowing the gap between rural and urban education in recent years, especially in achieving equality in allocating educational resources. Whereas, the old issue becoming a hot topic on the Internet rings a warning bell for departments in charge of education once again.

Over 250,000 of Pacific Ocean contaminated

BEIJING--Radioactive substances that leaked from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant have spread over far broader areas of the sea than Japan has acknowledged, according to the State Oceanic Administration of China.

An Aug. 15 article in the electronic version of Science and Technology Daily, a Chinese newspaper, cited an ocean environment survey conducted off Fukushima Prefecture in the western Pacific Ocean as part of the Oceanic Administration's written reply to an inquiry by the newspaper.

The article said that radioactive substances were detected in a 252,000-square-kilometer area within 800 kilometers to the east of Fukushima Prefecture. It said the level of cesium-137 was up to 300 times higher than corresponding concentrations in waters near China. Strontium-90 was detected at levels up to 10 times higher than those found in Chinese waters.

Oil spill lessons

China Daily 09/05/2011 page8

The order by the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) to ConocoPhillips China that it must stop all production operations in Bohai Bay is long overdue given the two-month long oil leaks and extensive contamination of large areas of Bohai Bay.
An investigation conducted jointly by seven central government departments has confirmed that the subsidiary of the Houston-based US energy giant has seriously violated operating rules. What is even more serious is the lack of attention to the abnormal phenomena that preceded the oil leaks and its disregard for their consequences.

Comparing the information ConocoPhillips China has provided about the oil spill and the measures it has adopted to stop it with the results of the investigation, it is not hard to realize that the firm lacks any basic social responsibility.
When the oil leaks were first revealed, assessment of the extent of the oil spill and the efforts taken by the company to deal with the leaks were based entirely on information provided by the company. The joint investigation organized nearly two months after the oil leaks were first reported has shown that not only is the oil spill worse than the company reported but, despite its assurances to the contrary, it has failed to bring the situation under full control and find and stop the sources of the spills.

That the foreign firm does not need to worry about the penalties it will have to pay for its errors and lies has clearly influenced its response to the environmental disaster it has caused. The highest fine that can be imposed under China's maritime environmental protection law is 200,000 yuan ($30,920), peanuts to the energy giant.

Obviously, China needs to learn a lesson from this incident.

A mechanism needs to be established so that timely investigations and actions can be implemented in the event of any similar accident. The relevant law needs to be revised so that more severe penalties, such as heavy fines or even the revoking of operating licenses, can be imposed on those firms that are held responsible for environmental disasters and/or fail to take effective remedial action.
Oil firms should also be made to contribute to a fund, whose money will be used in a timely manner for clean-up operations.

To our relief, the China National Offshore Oil Corporation, ConocoPhilillips China's partner in the oil field, has finally promised to tighten supervision over its partners' efforts to abide by the decisions of the SOA and to consider setting up a maritime environment fund.

Despite what has been achieved so far, the whole incident is far from over. More needs to be done to let the US firm pay the price for the environmental disaster it has caused in the Bohai Sea and its environs.

Humanitarian Intervention is a Good Thing

Humanitarian intervention is a good thing, if done well.

Nato's involvement in Libya is a good thing and executed very well.

Now, it is up to the Libyans themselves and I have great confidence they are more than capable.

China and BRICS have showed themselves to be very ill informed, very shallow and very selfish. There is no creativity in BRICS and no intention to solve problems. To make matters worse, China is now caught by NTC selling weapons to Gadafi in July 2011, breaching UN sanctions they themselves help to put in place.

Libyan crisis offered china a rare opportunity to show it has grown up as a nation ready to take on challenges and responsibilities as the number two economic power in the world.

China failed miserably.

Now, the world should be more cautious of China rise.

Lost are the dreamy eyes that believe China can be a force for good.

Who Own America Really ?

Who is Uncle Sam really?

Believe it or not  ~   Good Old Uncle Sam actually belongs to jolly old England!

North America, thats U.S.A  (Uncle Sam) & Canada, as well as Australia & New Zealand are wholly owned by Anglo-Brotherhood that originally sprung out of British Isles, as far as they are concerned.

Let's look at their history. In the past five centuries, eversince Anglo British sprung out of their original homeland ; [remember, just a couple centuries prior to that, England was one of  the most backward nation in all of Europe mainly due to being an island nation, divided by water from mainland. Then with the advancement & development of sea going vessels later on, she quickly catched up and found themself acquiring more land than they can ever chew on, and overall one hundred times more landmass of their original Britain. Once they have strategically planted their Anglo roots from North America to Australia and in-betweens, by rooting out native people from their land and depleting their population. Then the next step is colonising the whole wide world, over 30 nations altogether [ what is Colonialism? Its basically enslaving the subjects and living off / prospering on their labor, their blood & sweat ] , essentially controlling pretty much the world's economy, for centuries up to this date. Once you are in charge of the world economically, financially & militarily, as in the case of present Anglo Brotherhood Alliance through

U.S. military, Wall Street, and all that land-based resources coming out of looted lands.

{ By the way, do you know that U.S. military, possess enough nuclear arsenal to nuke the whole wide world five hundred times over. Yes, that's it; you read it right, 500 times more than needed to wipe out all the living beings on this planet! And that current war in Afghanistan at a cost of nearly half a billion dollars a day, is all because of this - to secure future generations nuke bomb making materials, extremely  rare minerals only left in the ground of that nation. Remember, Russian were there before.}

Here's about the hidden  reality in Uncle Sam's America ~

In U.S., anyone who come here / are born here become Americans. Are they really ?

Well, sort of ! The real truth is that theres three types of  Americans - American the landlord, American the tenant, and American the native.

-Landlord American are the one who hold the power, and thus own America, they are minority Anglo-American, who make up less than 10% of total U.S population. They are the richest one [they also claim sole ownership of the resources from the land, thus make them super rich].

-Tenant American are the rest majority of American population, who just happen to be born here, live, work, pay taxes and are required to serve in the military [as in world war I & II , helped saved England, Australia & British colonial empire twice!].

Although Non-Anglo Americans majority have economic and political power, domestically and locally; when it comes to national and international level and political & military affair of United States, AngloAmericans have absolute unwavering power, and most of these policies are made in accordance with/ in the interests of fellow Anglo nations such as Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and in lesser extense, South Africa.

The Ugly Truth is that overwhelming majority of Americans do not share / have little in common with many of these agendas carried out by reigning AngloAmerican minority establishment.

-Native American are the one who authentically own the 'land & land-based resources' , but lost everything, as all the tribes were forced to give up abundant wealth of their beloved motherland, the vass and resourceful land. U.S receive a staggering 65% of her massive oil needs domestically,  and that's a $1.5 billion worth of oil daily flowing out of their land, from Oklahoma Texas to Gulf of Mexico and Alaska; yes, thats oil alone] for five centuries and counting, my friend. And yet native people of all tribes in America do not benefit from anything coming out of their lost continent / receive next to nothing, and are instead forced to earn their revenue from setting up casinos and sales of tobacco; two vice businesses that few want to ever associate with.

Thus they remains the poorest American with a tiny 2 million population. [ That's on top of the loss of estimated 5 million native population centuries ago, while Europe herself had less than 15 million then]

Sadly, since they have little or no economic or political power, native tribal people exist, however original they may be but, as somewhat  forgotten American to this day.